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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0893c44.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-09  |  198KB  |  525x412  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | monitor | sky | tree | vegetarianism | window | windowpane
OCR: LEADING CAR LOANS IN. THE 24 LARGEST METRO AREAS Rate Term Maximum Monthly Telephone Region Institulion [manths) of price Payments Atianta Bankof Atanita 6.089 80 $239 404-874 4000 Baltimore 6.90 36 85 309 410.3 385 8370 Boston Tust.es 800 .80 244 617-849 .9700 Chicago Stra 1.75 42 80 243 312-787 1900 Cleveland atiorat Benkor 7.25 60 90 199 215-781-8100 Dallas North Daltis DEIKETHUST 7.96 .90 203 214-387-1300 Denver arestTand 690 38 00 308 303-232- 2000 Detroit Sata Enst:Detron 6.90 8K 86 239 313-775-5030 Houston Eirst paights .60 50 80 200 713.869. 3411 LOS Angeles Bars 48 80 243 213.625 4700 Miami Canso-daled Bank 34 .80 315 305 558 1000 Minneapolls Federal Sanires &Loan 7.50 68 06 200 612-437-6159 New York city Bankaf FNes 7.75 60 .90 202 800-942-1784 N New lersey Satar 7.25 48 80 241 8 ...